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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Petersburg, Va., Octbr 1st 1866.

Genl. O Brown
A.A. Adj. Genl.
Bureau R.F and A.L.
Richmond Va


I have the honor to forward herewith, "consolidated report" in compliance with Circular No. 7. C.S. Bureau Hd. Qrs, and Circular Letter of July 23d from your Hd. Qrs., in regard to "Public Lands", as directed in your endorsement dated Sept. 11/66 (E&M 2d V. 413) upon communication from this office (S. 175. 3 V. 66)

I have the honor to be Genl.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Svt.
J R Stone
Bvt. Major A.A. Qr Mr
and Supt. 2d Dist Va

(One Enclosure)