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Hd. Qurs. Asst Supt R.F. & A.Ls. 8th Dist of Va.,
Craig, Floyd and Roanoke, Counties, Va.
Salem, Roanoke Co. Va. Nov 6th 1866

Capt Geo P. Sherwood
V.R.C. Supt & A.A.Q.M. 8th Dist of Va.
Wytheville, Va.

Captain.  I have the honor to request that Transportation, from Salem, to Richmond, Va., be furnished to Ellen Gray (Refugee) Cold. who wishes to reach the home of her uncle who she states is willing to keep her untill she, can procure a situation.  She is in very feeble health, and was Refugeed from Richmond to this place during the rebellion.  She bears a good character here and I consider her statement (from what others say in her case) truthful.

I am Captain,
Respectfully Your.
Obedient Servant,
Henry Marcotte
Bvt Captain Lt. V.R.C. Asst Supt