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and that Martha M and Elizabeth Ann receive three hundred dollars more than Mary for the same reason
Item After the sale of my Real Estate, for which purpose authority is hereby given my Executors the proceeds thus arising together with any Monies which on the Settlement of my Estate may be due to it from any quarter, I direct shall be equally divided between my four children after the death or Marriage of my beloved Wife except that the difference contemplated by the next preceeding clause shall be regarded.
Item-Should any or either of my children die under age or without issue I will and direct that the part or portion of the child so dying shall be equally divided between my surviving children or their issue
Item Regarding Education of the first importance and desirous that my three Youngest Children should have every facility to effect so desirable an object, it is my wish that if my Brother Charles H Shield should so advise and it meets the approbation of my dear wife that my family reside in Norfolk in order that my children be under the superintendence + advice of my said brother.
Item-By the Will of my old friend Mrs. Mary Mennis the sum of forty dollars was given to my daughter Mary C H which I have received, the interest on which I have regularly paid her up to the first of the present year. It is my wish that she should be paid that legacy out of my Estate
Item-I authorize and empower my Executors to make sale of any part of my Personal Estate in a private way, which they may think will conduce to the interest of my Estate and the welfare of my Family.
Lastly, I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my Brother C H Shield, and Samuel Shield Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all and every other Will or Wills by me heretofore made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this first day of February 1837
(Signed) Ro Shield seal