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Report in compliance with "Circular Letter" from War Department, Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands dated Washington, D.C. Sept 27 1866, concerning certain Destitute and Infirm Freedmen, in the County of Prince Edward, Va. Farmville Va Dec 22nd 1866.

[[5 columned table]]
| No | Names of Males | Ages | Condition &c | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | Rich'd Lawson | 73 | old & Infirm, very poor. | The County authorities in this County, disclaim any intention, to make any distinction between the white & colored paupers - The appropriation for the benefit of the poor, has been authorized, but has not been collected, and consequently, the Board is not in a condition to relieve the suffering &c of these people. |

| 2 | Randal Scott | 74 | old & Infirm, very poor. |   |

| 3 | Saml Watson | 76 | old & Infirm, very poor. |   |

| 4 | Saml Bariter | 85 | old & Infirm, very poor. |   |

| 5 | Jno Richardson | 95 | old & Infirm, very poor. |   |

| 6 | James Dix | 76 | old & Infirm, very poor. |   |

| 7 | Peyton Cango | 76 | old & Infirm, very poor. |   |

| 8 | Chas Webber | 80 | old & Infirm, very poor. |   |

| 9 | Wm Bolton | 82 | old & Infirm, very poor. |   |

| 10 | Emanuel Branch | 30 | Blind & very poor. |   |

| 11 | Henry Craig | 90 | Old Infirm & very poor |   |

| 12 | Robt Wamack | 70 | Old Infirm & very poor |   |

| 13 | Jack Knight | 64 | Old Infirm & very poor |   |

| 14 | Wm Murray | 78 | Old Infirm & very poor |   |

[[5 columned table]]
| No | Names of Females | Ages | Condition &c | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Patience Laughin | 74 | Old infirm & poor | These people are as a general thing dependentent upon charity, for a large proprtion of their subsistence. What little employment they get, get to pay for fuel, rent, clothing &c and unless they are provided for by the Govt. until the County can provide for them they will starve |

| 2 | Emma Anderson | 66 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 3 | Rosetta Estis | 80 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 4 | Jenny Ligon | 85 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 5 | Caroline Mastin | 83 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 6 | Polly Wright | 80 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 7 | Peggy Fawcett | 82 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 8 | Hannah Craig | 80 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 9 | Isabel Lawson | 80 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 10 | Maria Branch | 80 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 11 | Harriet Hubbard | 72 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 12 | Amy Randal | 70 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 9 | 9 children under the age | 10 |   |   |

I certify that the foregoing statements, are correct, to the best of my knowledge, and belief, and I believe that the issue of rations, to the above named people, is necessary, to prevent them from destitution & starvation

Jno W Jordan
Bvt Lieut Col USV.
Asst Supt &c.

Transcription Notes:
Since the male data is unrelated to the female data and they had their own numbering and remarks, I separated them into two distinct tables. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-10 14:00:55