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Report in compliance with "Circular Letter" from War Department, Bureau, Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands, dated Washington D.C. Sept 27 1866, concerning certain Destitute and Infirm Freedmen in the County of Buckingham, Va Farmsville Va. Dec 22nd 1866.

[[5 columned table]]
| No | Names of Males | Ages | Condition &c | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Nicholas Randal | 80 | Old & very infirm | Very poor, and relatives barely able to provide for their own wants. Those named in this list are too old to be of service as laborers, and consequently they cannot obtain employment - Unless the Government looks after them they will suffer, as the County is not yet in a condition to take charge of them. |

| 2 | Elijah Bell | 80 | Old & very infirm |   |

| 3 | Burmet Cox | 82 | Old & very infirm |   |

| 4 | Lewis Watkins | 88 | Old & Blind |   |

| 5 | Jno East | 80 | Old & very infirm |   |

| 6 | Saml Gawelt | 90 | Old & very infirm |   |

| 7 | Alex Claibourne | 85 | Old & very infirm |   |

| 8 | Armistead Crawley | 95 | Old & very infirm |   |

| 9 | Elijah Branch | 84 | Old & very infirm |   |

| 10 | Jacob Morgan | 90 | Old & very infirm |   |

| 10 | Ten Children under 10 years of Age, who have no homes &c |   |   |

[[5 columned table]]
| No | Names of Females | Ages | Condition &c | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Celia Denn | 80 | Old & Infirm | Relatives very poor, in fact the same can be said, that has been represented as the condition of the males. The County authorities profess to make no discrimination, on account of race or color, in providing for their proper population, but they are not yet able to take care of these people. |

| 2 | Violet Holman | 91 | Blind & Infirm |   |

| 3 | Millie Wooldridge | 51 | Blind & Infirm |   |

| 4 | Sidney Miller | 76 | Blind & Infirm |   |

| 5 | Dicey Woodson | 74 | Almost Blind |   |

| 6 | Chanery Pitterman | 78 | Almost Blind |   |

| 7 | Sallie Jones | 95 | Almost Blind |   |

| 8 | Lettie Hill | 85 | Infirm & helpless |   |

| 9 | Judy Kyle | 85 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 10 | Hannah Chambers | 90 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 11 | Lisbie Flood | 80 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 12 | Abby Trent | 75 | Old & Paralyzed |   |

| 13 | Patty Pride | 80 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 14 | Celia Hudson | 81 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 15 | Martha Segar | 95 | Old & Infirm |   |

I hereby certify that the foregoing statement is, to the best of my knowledge and belief correct, and, I believe that the issue of rations to the above named is necessary to prevent suffering, and starvation.

Jno W Jordan
Bvt Lieut Col U.S.V.
Asst Supt BRF & AL.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-10 14:07:30