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Report in compliance with "Circular Letter" from War Department, Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands, dated Washington D.C. Sept 27 1866, concerning certain Destitute and Infirm Freedmen, in the County of Cumberland, Va Farmsville Va. Dec 22nd 1866.

[[5 columned table]]
| No | Names of Males | Ages | Condition &c | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Billy Goff | 80 | Old & Infirm | In this, as in the other Counties of this Sub-district, the appropriation for the support of the poor were made in June, 1866, and at a time when, it was not known, that the Govt would withdraw its aid from these people - The leins were made with no reference to the colored ☞ See opp Page. |

| 2 | R Dangerfield | 40 | - Blind |   |

| 3 | Anderson Bates | 40 | Paralyzed |   |

| 4 | Jos Martin | 50 | Blind |   |

| 5 | Abram Jules | 80 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 6 | Phil Pryat | 65 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 7 | Richd Barter | 80 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 8 | Robt May | 85 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 9 | Peter Hobson | 80 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 10 | Archer Robinson | 82 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 6 | There are Six children in this Co. worthy of being provided for. |   |   |   |

[[5 columned table]]
| No | Names of Females | Ages | Condition &c | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Becky Bailey | 80 | Old & Infirm | population, & consequently [[strikethrough]] the colored [[/strikethrough]] they will derive no benefit, from these appropriations, for some time to come, as it is presumed the demand from the white paupers will consume the appropriation. - This County professes, to make no discrimination, but is doing nothing toward relieving the poor colored people |

| 2 | Martha Davenport | 65 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 3 | Betsey Hubbard | 50 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 4 | Catharine Jannes | 60 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 5 | Melinda Carrington | 71 | Old & Infirm |   |

| 6 | Rebecca Barter | 70 | Old & Infirm |   |

|   |   |   | Relatives poor, and those very poor. |   |

I hereby certify that the foregoing statements are, to the best of my knowledge and belief true, and that, and also believe that the issue of rations, to the above named people, is necessary, to prevent suffering & starvation.

Jno W Jordan
Bvt Lieut Col U.S.V.
Asst Supt BRF.