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Report in compliance with "Circular Letter" from War Department, Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands, dated Washington D.C. Sept 27 1866, concerning certain Destitute and Infirm Freedmen, in the County of Charlotte Co. Va Farmville Va. Dec 22nd 1866.

[[5 columned table]]
| No | Names of Males | Ages | Condition &c | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Lewis Spencer | 80 | Old infirm & poor | This county is in the same condition as the others, having made the appropriation from the levy but the latter not having been collected, the Board has not yet been able to do anything for the colored poor. |

| 2 | Fred Paris | 80 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 3 | Mich Cabell | 82 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 4 | Billy Russell | 74 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 5 | Cesar Watson | 75 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 10 | Young children under | 10 |   |   |

[[5 columned table]]
| No | Names of Females | Ages | Condition &c | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 Sally Barnes | 85 | Old infirm & poor | The relatives of these people are like themselves, very poor, and can barely provide for themselves the necessaries of life. [[strikethrough]] I can only say, that this County is in the same condition that the other counties are, viz: at this time, unable to provide for the colored poor. [[/strikethrough]]

| 2 | Celia Mosley | 72 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 3 | Arena Cousins | 70 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 4 | Isabell Cabell | 84 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 5 | Jenny Scott | 80 | Old infirm & poor |   |

| 6 | Becky Coles | 74 | Old infirm & poor |   |

I hereby certify that the foregoing statements are correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I also believe that the issue of rations, to the above named people, is necessary, to prevent them from suffering and starvation.

Jno W Jordan
Bvt Lieut Col U.S.V.
Asst Supt &c