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We, the undersigned Freedmen, from the County of Mecklenburg, would most respectfully ask the Government to furnish us transportation to Okolona Miss. from whence we were removed during the late war. Dr John H Tucker is our authorized Agent to visit Richmond and in our names arrange for such transportation as the Bureau may be willing to furnish.

William Chambers his x mark
Marie and three children her x mark
Ruffin Chanmbers his x mark
James Stanley his x mark
Polly Stanley her x mark
Thomas Chambers her x mark
Francis and two children her x mark
Booker Price his x mark
Agnes and one child her x mark
Kitt Johnson his x mark
Essex Johnson his x mark
Bidsy Johnson her x mark
William Johnson his x mark
James Walker his x mark
Marget Walker and 3 children her x mark
Charlotte Walker her x mark
Etta Walker her x mark
William Sturdivant his x mark
Clay Sturdivant his x mark
Nedum Stith his x mark
Ussy Stith and 4 children her x mark
Connelius Cole his x mark
Richard Tield his x mark
Dick Henry Tucker his x mark
Sally Ann and 4 children her x mark
Abba Chambers her x mark
Melissie Chambers her x mark
Aron Percivell his x mark
Martha Percivell her x mark
Emma Chambers her x mark