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Brunswick Co. Va.
Dec 16th 1865-

To Capt Bernard Mercer, Provost Marshal & Asst Supt Freedmen, Brunswick Co. Va-

The undersigned, Freedmen, respectfully state - that they are residents of Monroe County in the state of Mississippi, that they were brought to this County in the State of Virginia by their former master, E.B. Tucker, in the year 1862; that the reason of their removal was because slave property was at that time thought to be safer here than in Mississippi-  

They respectfully state further that they now wish to return to their homes where their friends and relatives are, and being without means, they are unable to do so without aid from the government.

They therefore respectfully ask for transportation to their s'd homes in Monroe County State of Mississippi- And as in duty bound they will ever  pray &c-

Daniel Slith  his X mark
Lewis Slith  his X mark
Maria Slith  her X mark
Sallie Slith  her X mark
Eliza Slith  her X mark
Sterling Slith  his X mark
Lawrince Slith  his X mark
Benj. Edmunds  his X mark

Edward B. Tucker