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Genl O. O. Howard S. R. F. A. L

The undersigned respectfully represents That she is the widow of John W. Tunnell deceased, who died about the year 1856. That her late husband was largely indebted at the time of his death, and all of his personal assetts, have been exhausted by due course of Administration, and the debts have not all been paid.

That her late husband, left a son William Tunnell surviving him who is still living.

That her husband was also possessed of a tract of land in said County, of which she is entitled to dower.  These lands are of the annual value of about $100.  and your petitioner's sole income and support is the one third of the annual incomes arising from said lands.

These lands were seized some time since as the property of William Tunnell who was at the time a Minor and in the so called Confederate Army, as a private.  Being so seized the Treasury agent undertook and did rent out the entire lands aforesaid, for the year 1865, without making any provision for your petitioner and so far as her dower interest is Concerned it was seized, although she then was and has been during the entire Rebellion, residing in the County of Accomack where the said lands are located.  Her residence has been all the time, except for a few months in the early part of the rebellion, [[strikethrough]] when it [[/strikethrough]] until this shore was occupied by the Union Forces, in the Federal lines, and she has been renting out her said lands until the year 1865, when the Treasury agent against her wish undertook & did dispose of the same.  

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