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[[stamp]] Received Office Supt. Dist. Apr 9 1866 [[/stamp]]

This deed made this 17th day of May AD 1859, between Robert S Thompson Commissioner of the one part and Job A. Talmage of the other part, Whereas at the September Term 1856 of the Circuit Court of Dinwiddie in the Chancery Suit of Thompson and Thompson the said Court ordered and decreed that the sale of a tract of land in Dinwiddie County belonging to the Estate of the late Robert Thompson to the said Talmage should be confirmed and upon the payment of the money therefore the said Thompson Commissioner shall make a deed to said Talmage for the land and appurtenances mentioned in the proceedings in that cause, Now therefore in consideration of the premises and of the sum of Thirty six hundred dollars cash in hand paid to him the said Robert S Thompson Commissioner by the said Job A Talmage the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged he the said Robert S Thompson Commissioner, does by these presents grant bargain and sell and convey unto the said Job A. Talmage and his heirs forever with special warranty that certain tract or parcel of land with the appurtenances lying and being in the County of Dinwiddie near Poplar Spring Meeting House, containing 216 3/4 acres be the same more or less and which adjoins the lands of William Peebles on the north and west, East by the lands of John Flowers, south by the lands of William Smith, and Asa Tucker, and it being the same property which was for many years the home of the late Robert Thompson  a plat for said land made by J.E. Hargrave late surveyor of Dinwiddie dated the  day of February AD 1852, is hereunto appended to be recorded with this conveyance, Witness the following signature and seal.
R.S. Thompson, Commr  {seal}

City of Petersburg, to wit.

I Alexander Donnan a Notary Public in the City aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that R S Thompson Commissioner whose name

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