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Nov. 14/96.

Mr. W. M. Wilson,
1411-1413 Fisher Building
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Wilson:

Referring again to the steel car question, I beg to say we are sending you to-day under separate cover three blue prints showing the proposed arrangement for drop doors and attachments. The capacity of the car as now shown is 5 cu.ft. less than Mr. Rapley’s design. By doing away with the rise in the center of the car and thereby necessitating slight shovelling [[shoveling]] at this point, the capacity would be increased 5 cu.ft. beyond the capacity of Mr. Rapley’s design. The fastenings suggested by ourselves would oblige the necessity of the King royalty and probably give just as good if not better satisfaction. However, this would have to be demonstrated and we might apply it for trial to the first car built. 

It will probably be well to send these prints to Messrs. Mitchell, Higgins, and Paxon. Mr. Ames has already sent one copy to Mr. Rapley for your office files. Personally I believe this design is destined to do the work more thoroughly than those we have hereto fore considered. The question of the rise in the center of the car I myself think should be omitted. The slight shovelling [[shoveling]] there I think would be more than offset by having a level floor throughout the entire length of the car. 

What about the material for one car as per my recent letter.

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-15 11:26:30 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-16 13:13:45