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7 (X) Nov. 14/96. Dear Plumb: This morning I received your cablegram from Paris reading, “London Monday, well”. Last evening your letter of Nov. 1 arrived. I am glad to learn from the letter that you are realizing good results from your rest and only regret that they are not fully up to your expectations. As you say, [[?]] day spent with [[?]] we gave you an opportunity to test your strength, but I would not feel too much disapointed [[disappointed]] in not being able to walk as far as you thought you could. It takes time to overcome nervous disorders, to say nothing of patience and other requisites. I am much interested in what you wrote me concerning your interview with Whistler. I can imagine exactly how he looked and felt. You doubtless struck him very fortunately, and I should judge he spoke with you on pretty much the same intimate terms he does with those who strike him right. Of course you must have discovered that he is not at all the type of man that the world generally considers him but instead a very smart and beautiful character. Probably the large picture will not be finished in time for you to bring with you. If it should be of course I will be very glad to get it. The [[?]] drawing and [[?]] water color and pastel. I judge you can get and these will [[?]] gratefully received. I wish you would also [[?]] for me [[?]] etchings he must have ready for me, and please ask him about the Paris set, and possibly the ones he mentioned [[?]]] are those very etchings. If so, I shall be delighted to get them. Also ask him, [[?]] when I am to have my set of proofs from the retouched [[?]] Venice set he knows, I have the second set complete. [[?]] him, please also that I would be more than glad to have an impression of the lithograph be presented to Mr. [[?]] of New York, I mean the portrait of Mrs. Whistler. Tell him I have tried to purchase an impression of it in this [[?]]
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Reopened for Editing 2023-09-15 11:38:53
Reopened for Editing 2023-09-16 13:16:16