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March 1/97

My dear Rice: 

Your request to [[respond]] [[?]] the [[little]]
exhibition now [[being made at]] Smith College is [[recieved]] and I am of 
course delighted to comply. I [[have]] [[?]
Northampton to forward the [[collection]] [[?]]
decide to close their "show" [[I do not know]] just when [[this will be,]]
but I fancy some day this week.

Fearing that in unpacking,[[mailing or handling?]], and re-packing some
damage might occur at Northhampton, I [[wrote]] a memorandum of directions and have asked Miss Williams to send same to you, but of course you have experience with art of this sort and will not need the guiding that I felt necessary at Northampton. Please remember however that neither the screens nor the kakemono should be exposed
to direct sunshine or be [[placed]] close to stream pipes or
heaters. I learn that [[over heating]] in direct contact of the rays of the sun causes the paper [[?]] frames of the screens
to check and warp, and [[oftentimes]] [[?]] of the kakemono to
curve. I will have a [[copy of the]] [[?]] [[prepared]] to-morrow and sent you. If you experience any [[?]] in identification, let me know and I will be happy [[to]] [[?]] [[you out]].

After the close [[of your exhibition]] , you may forward the kakemono and screens to me at Detroit, but do not prepay express charges, and if there are any charges between Northampton and Williamstown, please attend thereto [[?]] know the amount so that I can refund same. I do not [[want our]] association to be at any expense in connection this [[little]] show

I have been under the weather for a few days but have managed to get about every day and trust are long to be rid of a pretty bad case of tonsilitis, together with a return of jungle fever. Yourself and Mrs. Rice are very well I trust. 

With cordial greetings to you both and apologies for this type written letter, I remain, 
Very sincerely yours, 
Charles L Freer

Prof. R. A. Rice. 
Williamstown, Mass

Transcription Notes:
Ink is too light to transcribe some words on the top page. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-19 13:44:57 I tried keeping the original line lengths due to so many [[?]] hopefully it will make it easier for further transcription. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-21 13:17:14