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you will find yourself in the same room with from one to several dozen or both sexes. You will find these gatherings quite harmless, but you may not enjoy jumping into the same tub with so large a number of people, particularly when you remember that at many places bathing begins at five in the morning and ends at midnight, and although hundreds use the same tub the water is changed only once every twenty-four hours. In other places you will find however that although the bathing is promiscuous the baths are fed by great springs and the change of water is continual. 
You will find at Yokohama foreign cigars and tobacco. In the interior you will find only Japanese tobacco. Drinking water in the larger cities is not good. Use Hirano Water, a very delicious natural effervescing water of great purity. There are two excellent breweries in Japan. I found the output of the one called Kirin very agreeable and wholesome. This brewery is managed by a German and nothing but the best malt is used. At Kiota, Yokohama, and other treaty ports you can get excellent German wines but the majority of the French wines are extremely bad. 
Do not overload yourself with baggage; bear in mind that you can buy clothing of all sorts at Yokohama at about 60% less than in this country. There is an excellent shirt maker at Yokohama named [[Yamatoya?]], who will make cotton crepe shirts which you will find much more convenient for wear in Japan than American made things with stiff bosoms. Buy your silks at Kioto [[Kyoto]], which is headquarters for silk goods, and there you will find several very large shops which will make up silk nightwear of most beautiful quality cheaper than you can get ordinary linen in this country.
While at Kioto stop at the Yaami Hotel; insist upon being entertained at this hotel. A syndicate owns the only two foreign hotels in Kioto, and they make a point of running in as many people

Transcription Notes:
**Kioto/Kiota?? last word "people" the ple from next page ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-21 17:36:51 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-22 14:08:21