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April [[strikethrough]]27[[/strikethrough]]28/97.

My dear Miss Lazarus:

I am just home after an absence of ten days and find your esteemed note of the 21st. I called upon Mr. Russel, President of the State Bank, this morning, and he bids me say that their rule is to pay no interest on certificates cashed prior to their maturity, but of course all rules have their exception and in this instance he will credit you with interest at the rate of 3% from the time of deposit to that of withdrawal, should you decide to take the mortgage mentioned. He furthermore bids me say that he appreciates your account and trusts that you will not hesitate to follow your own wishes entirely in the matter. I hope that my absence and this late reply will not prevent your securing the mortgage, and with cordial greetings I am as ever,
Sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

Miss Annis Lazarus,
103 East 15th St.,
New York.