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Nov. 30/96.

Mr. Bunkio Matsuki,
380 Boylston St.,
Boston, Mass.

My dear Mr. Matsuki:

Your letter of Nov. 27 came this morning and I at once wired you:

“Please express me to-day the Sotatsu and Ritsuwo screens. Will write.”

which I now confirm.

I am compelled to dictate this letter because of the rush of other matters to-day, and this is simply to confirm my telegram of this morning, to thank you for the information you gave me concerning the best method of remitting money to Japan, and also to say that I shall be very glad indeed to see the Sotatsu and Ritsuwo screens. I have no doubt that they are very charming and that I shall be glad to add them to my little collection.

It will give me great pleasure to see you in Detroit while en route to Japan, but if all goes well, I shall be in Boston for a day or so during the next two weeks, at which time I can talk with you about certain matters mentioned in your letter, which a pressure of other things prevents touching upon to-day.

With most cordial greetings and hoping to see you soon, I remain,

Yours very truly,

Charles L. Freer

Transcription Notes:
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