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July 22/97

My dear Mr. Matsuki:

I received your telegram this morning stating that you were arranging to leave for England next Tuesday, and I am glad to know that the reports received from the other side are sufficiently encouraging to warrant you in taking your friend with you and finding out what can be accomplished over there.

My recent purchases from you have all been received safely and unpacked, and I take pleasure in inclosing herewith in settlement thereof one draft for $1175.00 and another for $507.00, the two equalling the amount of your invoice, viz., $1682.00. I inclose voucher herewith, which please receipt and return.

I also inclose another draft for $105.00 covering amount of gifts made by you to my friends in Japan. The memorandum you showed me was 197 yen, and as near as I can figure that in gold, it would be $105.00, but if this is not enough, I will make up the balance the next time we meet.

I am under many obligations to you for having attended to these gifts for me while you were in Japan, and I am sure that I shall in the future obtain a great deal of pleasure from the kakemono, screens, and the articles covered by the inclosed settlement.

For your kind offer to take back at any time from me any of the articles covered by my recent purchases I am greatly obliged, but I do not think I shall ever feel like taking advantage of your generosity. At the same time, if I do find disappointment in any of the articles, I shall not hesitate to tell you so and we can then exchange for something else.

The small pair of Sotatsu screens with the gold background at $275.00 which I wrote you about from New York I kept thinking of after leaving Boston and felt that I must have them. Now that they