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July 22/97.

Mr. Y. Homura,
20 Honcho, Yokohama, Japan.

My dear Sir:

I have received your two communications inclosing the two letters from Mr. Morse and the latter I beg to return here with. I read with interest all that you said concerning Mr. Morse's to visit and of course was sorry to learn of the little misunderstanding that occurred at Tokio, as I am sure Mr. Morse is also. He is a gentleman of such unusual refinement and sympathy with things Japanese I can of course understand that when he thought he was misled he naturally felt greatly shocked and at a loss to know what to do, but the matter is all straightened out now and you have doubtless made a friend of Mr. Morse and you have unquestionably been of service to him.  Of course, in serving a friend of mine you serve me and I am under renewed obligations to you. 

I have long been wishing for an opportunity to see Japan again but have so much to occupy my time here I do not now know when I shall have the pleasure of seeing your country once more.  When the opportunity does come, I shall gladly embrace it.  I trust that your business continues prosprous and that yourself and wife enjoy the best of health.  If any of my friends happen to be going to Japan this fall, I shall ask them to take with them a little christmas souvenir for you, which I hope you will accept and wear in memory of the kindly acts you have done for me and my friends.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-26 08:29:09