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Oct. 15/97;

Messrs. John Harvey & Co., Wine Merchants,
Denmark St., Bristol, Eng.

During a recent visit at my home received from Mr. F. S. Girdlestone of your city, he spoke very kindly of the quality of port wine purchasable from your firm, and at his suggestion I write to inquire what vintages you now have in stock. I like very dry port, and I will thank you to let me know if you have any 1851, 1863, 1875, and 1889 for sale. If so, will you kindly quote price per case of one dozen full size bottles at either of the leading English ports of shipment.

Mr. Girdlestone will reach Bristol ere long and at his early convenience will take pleasure in sampling the vintages you have to offer, if you will be good enough to communicate with him.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer