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November 2nd, 1897.

Dear Madam:

Earlier reply to your letter of the 11th ultimo has been prevented by my absence. 
I regret exceedingly that the many urgent calls to which I have four it absolutely necessary to respond to, make it inconvenient for me to aid you this time. 
Regretting that I cannot assist you, 
I remain, 
Yours very truly, 
Charles L. Freer

Mrs. C. Larned William, 
60 Erskine Street, 

November 2nd 1897

Dear Sir: 
I have receive the circular issued by your Committee setting forth the plans for a memorial to Robert Louis Stevenson, to be erected in the city of Edinburgh, and am glad to know of this very commendable movement. 

It affords me pleasure to become a subscriber, and you will please fins enclosed here with draft an New York payable to your order for twenty dollars, which I beg you to accept for the purpose above mentioned. 

Will you kindly receipt and return voucher enclosed herewith, and oblige, 

Yours very truly, 
Charles L Freer

Chas, Fairchild, Esq., 
35 Union Square, New York City

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-20 06:45:50