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March 8th, 1898.

Mr. E.D. North,
Care Charles Scribner's Sons,
153-157 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

My dear Mr. North:-

Your letter of February 15th was duly received and a few days later I left for New York and expected while there to have seen you but I was taken ill a day or two after my arrival and did not return home until yesterday. The books ordered sent to Mrs. Hecker care the "Fuerst Bismark" were as follows:-

Earth Work out of Tuscany.
A Sentimental Calendar
The Golden Age.

I believe with this information before you you will find it possible to recall the purchase. I remember that both the Earth Work out of Tuscany and the Golden Age you were without, but the Sentimental Calendar I found on one of your shelves. If you will be good enough to sent me bill for these volumes I will be happy to remit on receipt thereof.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

[[press Campan,?]]

Transcription Notes:
faint words at the bottom of the letter - unsure of transcription.