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March 10/98.

Mr. Howard de Forest,
22 East 66th St., New York.

Dear Sir:

Your letter dated Feb. 24 was duly received and would have had earlier reply but for my recent illness. 
I am glad that you called upon Mr. Glaenzer and am pleased to know that you have decided to acquaint yourself with double entry book-keeping and to thein enter the service of Mr. Glaenzer's firm. I met Mr. Glaenzer the day after your interview with him, and he spoke most pleasantly and in complimentary terms of you, and I believe that you will find his establishment better equipped for studying the Fine Arts and a gaining knowledge thereof than any other in this country.
With best wishes for your success, I remain,

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-21 13:22:47