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March 15/98
Edward S. Hull, Jr., Esq.,
31 Nassau St., New York

Dear Sir:
I received in good condition the two kakemono by Shun-man forwarded by the Lincoln Safe Deposit Co.  I also have your letter of 10th inst. concerning the same.
I have examined the two kamemono and have retained one, and take pleasure in handing you the inclosed herewith draft on New York payable to your order amounting to $150.00, in settlement for same.  The other kakemono I am sending to-day by express, charges prepaid, to Mr. W.C. Reid, Warehouse Supt., Lincoln Safe Deposit Co.
I note with interest what you wrote concerning the prints and feel greatly obliged to you for you willingness to give me the first view of them.  I also note your anxiety to dispose of them as soon as you can, and inasmuch as my strength is not returning very rapidly it may be that my trip to New York is further in the future than I had supposed when I wrote you last.  Under these circumstances, it might be wiser for you to send to me at my residence address, 33 Ferry Ave. Detroit, a lot of the prints on approval, sending at the same time a final price list of the same.  While I am not well enough to travel, I could examine the prints and give you my[[?]] perhaps much quicker this way than if they were held for my inspection in New York.
Yours very truly
Charles L. Freer