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April 23/98.

Mr. Yose Nomura,
20 Honcho, Yokohama, Japan.

Dear Sir:

Your letter of March 4 reached me some days ago and would have had earlier reply but for the fact of a recent illness which has affected me considerably during the last two weeks.

I am extremely sorry to hear of the illness of your wife and I sincerely hope that the prophecy made in your letter has not proved true and that she is ere this recovered in health. Her diseases is of course a very dangerous one, but at times even the most desperate cases seem to get relief and are eventually cured. I remember most gratefully her kind attentions to me while at Niko, Tokio, and Yokohama. Her only missions in life seemed at that time to be to aid you in the troubles you were then undergoing and to look after my comfort. I am hoping for better news from you concerning her by the next mail.

The business success you have experienced is very gratifying to me and you deserve great credit for having established yourself so finely and I trust permanently. 

It is as yet too early for me to prophecy  concerning another trip to Japan, but I shall go there as soon as my business engagements will permit. Mr. Matsuki of Boston goes next month, and I shall send to you by him a little remembrance which I had intended to give you last Christmas but in the rush of other matters neglected until too late. The Mr. Gray mentioned in your letter is unknown to me, but at the earliest opportunity I will take steps to make his acquaintance, and if I can be of any assistance to you in the way in your letter, it will give me pleasure. 

With renewed wishes for the recovery of your wife's health and with kindest regards to you, I remain,

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 21:48:46 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 23:12:31