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May 26th, 1898.

Mr. Edward S. Hull, Jr.,
31 Nassau St., New York City.

My dear Mr. Hull:-

I have your favor of 24th instant written from Staunton, V'a and have decided to accept the proposition therein named, i.e., 

For the two lots of Kakemono, Panels, Pottery, Screen and the two Kakemono by Shunaui and Yeishi, owned by Fennelossa, also the Hokusai Kakemono, "Cock and Drum", I will pay you two thousand dollars ($2,000.00).

For the Hiroshige Triptych, "Marine View with Islands" selected I am to pay you twenty-five dollars, ($25.00). You may have the articles all carefully packed on your return to New York and forward to me at Detroit as usual.

Now, concerning the Hiroshige Whirlpool. Are you not in error in thinking of making an extra charge for the one you are to send me? It is the one I originally purchased at your house and the one I have is to be exchanged for it. You will remember, in forwarding the prints to me you sent the wrong Whirlpool and I called your attention to it promptly upon receipt of the original package.

When I am next in New York and have any leisure, if you happen to be in the city at that time, I will ask you for an afternoon of your time and we will have another look at the prints and books.

I shall be leaving town to-morrow for a little visit at Hot Springs, Virginia and expect to return here during the first week in June, by which time the good you are to ship me will doubtless have been received.

With personal regards, I am,
Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

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