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July 18/98.

Mr. W.F. Dimmick,
526 North Franklin St.,
Decatur, Ill.

My dear Dimick:

I have yours of the 17th inst. and note the same fully.

Yes, Mr. Hecker has entered Uncle Sam's service. He is Quarter Master with the rank of Colonel and has charge of transportation matters for the army. At present he is particularly engaged in arranging for the transport of troops. His address is care of the War Dep's, Washington, but his duties call him to many places. He may go to Cuba and may not. He is extremely busy and it may be that your letter reached him but in the rush of affairs he has not yet had time to reply.

I am glad to know that your son has entered the service and hope that he will make as good a soldier as I am sure you would if you were in his place. I can hardly realize that you have been married long enough to be in a position to help out our government in its present war. So far as I know none of my immediate relatives have been patriotic enough to don Uncle Sam's uniform.

With best wishes,
Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer