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Aug. 17/98.

Mr. E. J. Baldwin,
Ass't Cashier, National Park Bank,
New York City.

My dear Sir:

Permit me the pleasure of introducing to you Mr. Ellwood T. Hance, Secretary of the Union Trust Co. of this city, who calls upon you for the purpose of bringing before you certain business matters which I trust will interest you, also to become acquainted with yourself and associate officers.

Mr. Hance is a warm personal friend of mine, prominent in the business circles of this state, chief managing officer of the Union Trust Co., and a thoroughly reliable gentleman in every way.

The business of his company is growing steadily, and Mr. Hance is likely to be called to New York quite often in the future. It is not improbably that he will have matters to lay before your bank from time to time, and I trust an agreeable acquaintance and profitable business may grow out of this introduction.

Will you have the kindness to introduce him to Messrs. Poor and Delafield, if they are at present in the city.

Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer

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