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Aug. 17/98.

Mr dear Mr. Moore:

Your note of the 15th, also the package containing the ring, were received this morning, and I thank you for your attention to this matter. Inclosed herewith please find draft for $14.00 in settlement of the account. You have made no charge for your personal services and I am at a loss to know how to renumerate you. Miss Hamilton and I both appreciate the favor you have shown her, and I am asking her to tell you herself how she likes the ring. 

"An now, Mr. Moore, I, Miss Hamilton, the recipient of this lovely ring, wish to say to you how delighted I am with it. It is even more beautiful than I anticipated, and I am so much obliged to you for the trouble you have taken in selecting it. According to my ruling planet and zodiacal sign, the beryl is the stone I should wear, and it seems to me that I cannot help being benefitted psychically at least by its strong odic waves that emanate from this charming crystalized center of vibratory force." 

[[?]] Hamilton

I hope to be in New York before lone and trust to then have a Jack at the Korean Bar.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Mr. R. E. Moore,
35 Union St., New York.