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Sep. 28/98

Mr. S. D. Coykendall,
Rondout, Ulster Co., N.Y.
My dear Mr. Coykendall:
Referring to the kind suggestions made in yours of the 12th inst., a package of cement made from Michigan marl was shipped you from here day before yesterday, charges pre-paid. I have not seen the actual making of this cement, but I am told that about 1/8 of the original mixture is ordinary clay. Am also informed that the cost of manufacture does not exceed 35 cts. per barrel.
Will you be good enough to favor me with your impression of this cement at your early convenience and add such further suggestions as may seem to you pertinent to the question. Without investing much money, some friends of mine have gotten control of several tracts of land on which marl is found, and they will not go into the scheme much deeper until we have heard from you.
Thanking you in advance for your kindness, I remain,
Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
Corrections needed, paragraph 1. "but I am told that about 1/8 of the original mixture is ordinary clay." "cost" not "coat" paragraph 2. impression "of" not impression "or" "some" friends not "come" friends ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-21 15:07:20