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Oct. 7/98


Miss Leiter,
412 East Huron St.,
Ann Arbor, Mich.


Your letter of 7th inst. is received and noted. Our mutual friend, Mr. Gott, having told me of the needy condition of your family, I was led by purely charitable motives to purchase at par the ten shares of Michigan-Peninsular preferred stock. My sole object in the transaction was to aid very worthy people, and whatever feelings you may now have concerning the charge Mr. Gott saw fit to make for his services should be adjusted between you and him. I know nothing about the arrangements of this character existing between you two and of course I do not care to enter into any controversy that may grow out of the transaction. Mr. Gott certainly led me to purchase the stock through his own personal appeals, and if he saw fit to charge you therefor, it is a matter strictly between yourselves.

I am of course very sorry that there should be any disappointment to you in the matter, but I cannot help feeling that it would have been wiser to have declined to have anything to do with the matter when Mr. Gott brought it to my attention.

Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-21 14:47:17