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October 24th, 1898.

Col. Frank J. Hecker, 

Cars Col. Chas Bird, Quartermaster, Washington, D.C.

Dear Colonel:

I include herewith communication received from Mr. Mitchell of the Erie Railroad in reference to Sergeant Stites of Fausale, N.J. Will you kindly read the same and take such action as may seem best to you.
I am just back from the Hot Springs, where our party spent two weeks most delightfully. Further acquaintance with that place leads to the discovery of many fresh beauties of nature.
During my absence matters here have gone very smoothly and you will be pleased to learn of the large number of cars being built, as shown by list enclosed herewith. We have inquiries from Armour for 1200 cars, from the Receivers of the Wisconsin central for 1000 box and the Erie is preparing to buy 1000. I leave for New York tonight to attend to the Erie matter and also to see Messrs. Cowan and Green in reference to the settlement of their account for 3000 cars and to adjust some differences growing out of the use of Southern Pine for siding.
Labor troubles here have adjusted themselves nicely and while we are doing no overtime in the shops, we work a full night force and are getting enough of all classes of labor to meet our requirements without any increase in pay. The Pennsylvania order has been increased until it now stands 450 cars. In addition to this order, Mr. Plumb has secured a contract from the Mexican Central for 50 cars. The Union Pacific R.R.Co made inquiry from us for 450 coal cars but they have decided to postpone the matter until the next Spring. There are rumors of other cars being

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-21 19:20:08