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Dec. 29/96.

Mr. K. Sano,
14 Shinyemonchio, Nihon-Bashiku,
Tokio, Japan.

My dear Mr. Sano:

Your esteemed letter reached me on Christmas morning and I was very glad indeed to hear direct from you. A few days before your letter came Mr. Shugio arrived and he advised me of your safe return to Tokio. I had also received from Mr. Yamanaka the welcome greetings sent by him. Surely it is no small undertaking for a man to make such a trip as yours, and it gives me pleasure to know that it was so successfully accomplished.

I am pleased that my little gift to Mrs. Sano gave her pleasure. Of course it was very simple and its only value lies in the sentiment behind the present.

You ask when I shall I again visit Japan. At the present writing I cannot state definitely, but you can rest assured that as soon as business affairs shape themselves so as to give me greater freedom, I shall visit your country and make a longer stay than during my first trip. I remember with much satisfaction the time you gave me during your trip around the world as well as the courtesies extended to me in Tokio. I also have most pleasant recollections of your friend Mr. Kawada, and send my best wishes to you both and also to Mrs. Sano. I have not yet seen Mr. Ishida but presume he will arrive ere long, and when he comes, I shall of course treat him as your friend.

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer

If not too late accept please my best wishes for a very prosperous New Year 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-17 16:04:55