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April 27th,1899.
Henry A, Bishop, Esq.,
Care Purchasing Agents Office,
NY.N.H.& H.R.R., New Haven,Conn.

My dear Mr.Bishop:-

Your favor of 22nd instant enclosing inventory of matters at the farm, also copy of your letter to Farmer Gaurtha, is received and fully noted.

I am very much obliged to you indeed for the trouble you have taken in giving me all these particulars and I am under additional obligations for a package containing drawings of a proposed farm barn. I also notice that it is your intention to have the deed and bill of sale of the property properly registered at Great Barrington and then forward them to me at Detroit. For all of this, more thanks.

As named to you at the time of purchase, I will be very pleased instead to have you continue to use the farm during the summer months and until my return next fall, just the same as if it were your own. Of course I don't expect to hold you responsible in any way for what may happen, but I would like you to feel that it is yours visit and do with just the same as you did prior to the sale. I have written the farmer as per copy of letter enclosed herewith.

When I get back next fall I shall probably have a survey made of the property and thus learn more fully what I have become the processor of and I look forward with pleasure to spending considerable time there in the future.

I shall sail for Italy on May 6th and should you happen to be in Europe during the summer, don't fail to let me know. My address will be with my bankers, Messrs.Brown Brothers and Co.

With kind regards, I am,
Yours very truly.

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