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May 2nd, 1899.

Mr. H. B. Ledyard,
Hot Springs, Va.

My dear Mr. Ledyard:-

Yours of 28th ultimo enclosing a letter from the Central Trust Company of New York, is received and fully noted. While in New York on Friday next I will step into the office of the Central Trust Company and arrange to have the certificates of stock promptly issued. I believe the transfer agencies have introduced some new regulation since January first in connection with the issuing of shares from and to Trusteeships, but I know very well I will have no difficulty whatever in the present instance.

This is the day of the Ellwood-Jarvis wedding and more beautiful weather could not be desired.  A perfect spring day.  I hope you are having many days of equally fine weather at the Springs and I regret more than you know not being with you to enjoy them.

To-morrow will practically close my active work in a business which has taken so much of my time for nearly twenty years, and now that the shackles are gradually loosening their grip, I begin to realize the great charm of having at lastsome [[last some]] time for other things, and when the time for your autumn trip to the Hot Springs arrives, you will find me here ready to join you.

I wish you were going with me next Saturday.  Tom and I shall probably leave the "Ems" at Gibraltar and spend a few days in Spain, preparatory to those to follow in Italy.  We shall drink to your good health while at Granada and think of you often when enjoying the Italian Gardens. I hope you will not let your footsteps be found too often

[[obscured]] but often

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