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May 2nd, 1899.

Mr. D. W. Tryon,
South Dartmouth, Mass.

My dear Tryon:-

The rush of matters in New York continued up to the very hour of my departure and unfortunately to call upon yourself and Mrs. Tryon before leaving and the few days I have been home have found me rushed with closing up business affairs. Compensations however are numerous, particularly the realization of future relief from our building, and I can assure you that the four months vacation soon to begin, will make up for many hours of hard work in the past.  I shall leave here to-morrow evening and sail on the "Ems" on Saturday forenoon next. I have not eyt [[yet]] decided whether I shall leave the ship at Gibraltar and travel about spain a little or continue right on to Italy.  The fact is, it is too much trouble to make a decision just now, and I am going to travel as "fancy free" as possible.

Your check reached me all right and as soon as the books of the Pressed Steel Car Company re-open, which will be after the sixth instant, Mr.Aikman wil have the sixty five shares Pressed Steel Pref'd stock issued in your name and sent to you.

Can I do anything for you while abroad.  Brown, Shipley and Company of London willbe [[will be]] my bankers and communications addressed in their care will reach me.  Don't fail to let me know if I can be of any service to you while away.

I hope you will both have a very enjoyable summer and that the "Vaquero" will always lead the fleet, also that I shall have the pleasure of seeing you early next fall.

Faithfully yours,  

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