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November 28th, 1898

Dr. Stanley D. McGraw, 
Of Allen, Wood and McGraw, 
20 Broad Street, New York City. 

My dear Mr. McGraw:-

I have your favor of 22nd instant and note that you are trading extensively in securities of the Michigan-Peninsular Car Company. You ask if you can not do my business in your market. If  I had any to offer, I would be only too glad to give it to you, but the fact is I do not trade at all in stocks and bonds. I still have my original holding of the securities of this Company and have added only very slightly to them from the beginning. They are not now for sale and I do not think they are likely to be, neither do I deal in the stock of other companies. 

With personal regards, and wishing you every success in your new business, I remain, 

Yours very truly, 
Charles L Freer

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-22 11:17:39