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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Mich., Sept.23rd,1899.
Mr. Henry A. Bishop,
Care N.Y.N.H.& H.R.R., Purchasing Department,
New Haven, Conn.
My dear Mr.Bishop:-
Your telegram and letter of recent date were duly received and noted. Am sorry to have missed you but hope to have the pleasure  of seeing you ere long.
I went out to the farm and found everything in good shape. Guartha seems to be a hard working man, but I doubt if he has intelligence enough to continue in charge of the property. I intend to discuss this matter with him more fully the next time I am up there. In the meantime, I am getting some new horses and other paraphenalia [[paraphernalia]] necessary to some improvements which I hope to make before winter. I have decided to build a new farm house and farm barn as soon as plans can be prepared. Shall also give attention to the fences and the cutting of brush and weeds this fall. Next year I expect to begin work on my own house. 
I am glad you took the folding bed lounge named, and pictures, guns, etc. If in gathering together your personal property anything is overlooked, don't hesitate to call for it at any time.
With personal regards, I remain,
Yours very sincerely,
Charles L Freer