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Caves are not as well known as they should be, and before deciding not to visit them I would recommend that Mr. Wade read “In India” by Andrea Chevrillon, published by Henry Holton Company, 1896. The book is worth reading in many ways, but the description given of Ellora is more interesting than anything else I have seen in print concerning that remarkable spot. 

Another suggestion for Mr. Wade is that he employ in advance through E.B. Creasy, Cook’s agent in Colombo, Mr. S. Daniel, of Trichinopoli to guide him through Southern India. In fact I would strongly urge that they take Daniel all the way to Bombay, regardless of how many other servants they may have. He knows Southern India very well, speaks English quite fluently and is really indispensible [[indispensable]]. I enclose his card.

I think the important points are covered above. If I can be of any further service however, do not hesitate to command me. Be good enough to give my compliments to Mr. Wade, together with my best wishes for a thoroughly pleasant trip. It is too bad he is rather late for the festivals of Southern India, which begin about Christmas time and continue more or less during January. It may be he can arrange to reach Haidarabad in time for their annual festival, which is one of the great sights of the world. He can get full information concerning festivals and their dates from Mr. Creasy at Colombo, in fact he will find Mr. Creasy the man to buy tickets from and to arrange many things in advance. 

Are you to be in Cleveland all winter? If so, I trust after the first of January to have a visit from you. I have lots to show and
talk about. 

Yours very truly,

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