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October 31st, 1899.

Mr. Alfred H. Granger, 
Woodley, Lake Forest, 

Dear Sir:- 
On my return from the Hot Springs yesterday, I found your letter of the 26th instant and note same carefully. 
I am very glad indeed to know the Caxton Club intends to issue an up to date catalogue of Whistler's etchings. It is sure to reflect great credit upon those responsible for its production. I will be happy indeed to assist in whatever way I can. 
A great pressure of work during the last five years has prevented me from giving much, if any, attention to my personal catalogue, but the information you ask for can be prepared within a few days. On receipt hereof, will you kindly let me know how early it is necessary for you to have my list. 
I shall of course take much pleasure in visiting your exhibition. 
A letter addressed to Mr. Dowdawell, Art Dealer, New Bond Street, London, will reach the proper party. I am not certain of the gentleman's first name, but he is at present the head off the firm of Dowdawell and Dowdawell, who for many years have dealt extensively in Mr. Whistler's prints. In talking with him on this subject last summer, he showed me a copy of
Wedmore's latest catalogue, with many notations of rare prints and various states. He regretted the insufficiency of Mr. Wedmore's efforts and said he hoped some day to see a complete up-to-date catalogue issued. I am very confident that if you will correspond with him and outline your plans, he will cheerfully give you much valuable information. 
Accept please my heartiest thanks for the Book of the Caxton Club.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 10:05:57 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-26 12:24:04 removed editors notes from transcription, small error fixes ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-26 02:46:16 major error as the letter was not transcribed in consecutive order - we are going for readability and searchability here not trying to render this impossible