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Detroit, Michigan, 
November 22nd,1899.

My dear Fred:- 
Your father has informed me of your intention to continue your present journey around the world, and I am delighted to hear of this resolution. I am sure you will never regret it. 
I have taken the liberty of dictating an itinerary for your use in India and Japan, which I trust will reach you at Colombo, and in the end prove of some service.
The Indian cities mentioned are all interesting, but some of them particularly so. I would particularly recommend Anuradhapura, which is the most interesting of all the buried cities. Hyderabad, the Nizam's Capital is a fascinating place, and, being the headquarters of the Mohammedan Princes who serve under the Nizam, it is, as you can readily imagine, the place of all others in which to see the gaiety of Mohammedan life in India. While in Hyderabad, don't fail to call at the Nizam's Palace and he will very likely give you an interview. Should he not, his principal secretary ([[?]] of the Seal) is worth meeting, and you will find it a very easy matter to get privileges of such king as you may desire, while travelling in the Nizam's Possessions. Bijapoor should not be passed by, as it affords a splendid 

opportunity to study ancient Mohammedan architecture. It is a very easy matter to visit Karli Caves, as you can see the important one in half a day easily. Bangalore and Poona you will find interesting, principally because of their good climate, andfor the reason that the population in both of these places is made up largely of retired Anglo-Indians. 
I consider my trip to Ellora one of the most interesting experiences I have ever had and I recommend it most strongly to you. I enjoyed OOdeypur and Johdpur immensely. In order to visit OOdeypur it will be necessary to obtain a letter of introduction to either the Maharajah or the English Resident, which I think my friend, Mr.Watson,of Bombay, can help you to. 
Peshawar and the Khyber Pass will interest you, but before going there you had better ascertain if the Pass is now open to travellers, and if so, on what days of the week. You will have to go through the pass under military escort. 
The trip to Buddha Gaya is of interest only to students of the life of Buddha and his followers. 
While at Agra, do not fail to visit Fathepur Sikri. At the latter place there is a Dak Bungalow and you can arrange for accommodations there for one night. 
The trip to Darjeeling is well worth making, as it is from this city that the best view of the Himalaya Mountains can be had. 
Daniels, the city guide of Trichinopoly, whom I have recommended

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 10:08:09