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January 16th, 1900

Mr. Chas. S. Hathaway,
Care of the Detroit Free Press,

My dear Hathaway:—
Replying to your favor of yesterday's date, there is, as yet, very little to say, privately or otherwise, concerning the proposed bicentenary memorial.

The present movement was suggested by Mayor Maybury to Senator McMillan, who invited to his home twelve or fourteen others to dine, and to exchange view on the subject, and at that meeting it wasdetermined to invite artistic advice.

As yet, the whole matter is in embryo, and there is at present no work, whatever, for a secretary to perform.  Sometime will elapse before suggestions, even for the form of the Memorial, can be considered, and when that shall have been accomplished, the clerical work of the future will depend entirely upon what the object is to be, and the ways and means finally adopted for its construction.

I state the situation fully for your personal knowledge, and to let you see that, as yet, there is no position, even prespective, such as you wish, and I very much doubt if there ever

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