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#33 Ferry Ave.,
Detroit, Mich.,
Feb, 9th, 1900.

Mr. Wm. MacBeth,
Fifth Ave., near 27th St.,
New York, N. Y.

My dear Mr. Macbeth:-
I regret that before leaving New York, Col. Hecker and I did not have an opportunity to call again at your store.

Col. Hecker bought the beautiful Wyant in the Evaria sale, entitled "Autumn-Keene Valley", so he decided to rest content without buying the one you showed him.

Now, about the Nocturne by Peters. I had a commission from my friend, Mr. W. K. Bixby of St. Louis, to make come purchases for him, and I brought at the Evans sale the large landscape by George Fuller. I have written to Mr. Bixby stating that I thought he would be pleased to own the Nocturne by Peters, and that I believed you would be willing to send it to his residence at St Louis on approval. Mr. Bixby is interested in fine American paintings, and I would be happy to see him add the Peter's Nocturne to his collection.

Will you favor me with an early reply hereto,
and greatly oblige.

Yours very truly,
Charles L. Freer

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-26 09:33:14