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Form 3145 THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY INCORPORATED TELEGRAPH AND CABLE WESTERN UNION BILLS ARE PAYABLE NOT LATER THAN 10TH OF EACH MONTH. ALL CHECKS SHOULD BE DRAWN TO THE ORDER OF THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY, AND MAILED TO THE COMPANY. CHAS. L. FREER 33 FERRY AVE. DETROIT, MICH. N-3280 DATE DETROIT. MICH. JAN. 2 1918 If you pay by check please detach this coupon and mail with check, RETAINING THE BILL FOR YOUR RECORDS. Receipt of check remittances will be acknowledged only when specifically requested, since paid checks returned by banks constitute full receipts for such payments. AMOUNT $ DETACH HERETO THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY, DR. INCORPORATED [[3 Columned Table]] | MONTH AND DAY | TO/FROM | NAME OF POINT | AMOUNT | | Oct 21 | Telegram to Mr. Freer, repeating E. Backhouse telegram from Vancouver | |[[strikethrough]] DEC 3 [[/strikethrough]]| FM TO GREAT BARRINGTON MASS | 4 31 | [[checkmark]] | 6 Dec. | FM TO GREAT BARRINGTON MASS E. H. Shaw | 92 |[[checkmark]] | 10 | CHGO Art Institute | 30 |[[checkmark]] | 21 | SHANGHAI Seaouke Yue | 24 99 [[checkmark]] [[strikethrough]] 30 [[/strikethrough]] | | 26 | Y to Miss Rhoades | 40 [[checkmark]] [[strikethrough]]30[[/strikethrough]] | | | | 3092 |[[checkmark]] | | War Tax 5 Cents Per Message Except Message Marked | 25 |[[checkmark]] | | | 31.17 | [[checkmark]] GWA PAID JAN 14 1918 [[?]] [[?]] Schwanke [[stamp]] PAID JAN 14 1918 Western Union Tel. Co. CASHIER'S OFFICE
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