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To Guaranty Trust Company of New York, Dr. 15, 1918 19 Address New York, N. Y. For expense of cabling Seaouke Yue, Shanghai, China, the sum of $6,000.00 Gold on January 10th, 1918, which netted 5,582 taels, 10 46 The above remittance was cabled in settlement for one Jade Baton covered by Special Voucher No. 28 January, 1918. Correct, G W Alger Approved, C L Freer RECEIVED OF CHARLES L. FREER, Ten and 46/100 DOLLARS, IN FULL OF THE ABOVE ACCOUNT. January 16th, 1918 19 See receipted bill attached hereto.
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Reopened for Editing 2023-09-15 10:24:06