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NV 2502. One Gilt Bronze Staff Finial. The Six Dynasties or Tang. Chinese.
[[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN. [[/stamp]] 1378

Tubular, and for the greatest part of its length tapering; where the taper ceases, there succeeds a slight bulbous expansion, above which the contour changes from the circular to the hexagonal, and the hexagonal section expands into a shallow quatrefoil basin out of which rises the head of a dragon. The animal's head has the surpentine aspect, but is one of the conventional dragons. The head arches over, facing the apex of one of the [[strikethrough]] [[?]] ragonz Ti [[/strikethrough]]  foils of the basin, and directly in line with it a conventional phoenix modeled in the round projects at an angle of forty-five degrees from the tapering portion of the tube below, issuing from the tube shortly below the bulb marking the base of the hexagonal section. Thickly incrusted with gray-green patina and grayish and brown earth attachments. Length, 9 3/8"; phoenix projection, 1 1/2"/

Purchased from Yamanaka & Co., New York,
Voucher #11 May, 1918,   450.00

NV 2926.  One Case of Three Metal Ornaments. The Six Dynasties. Chinese.

[[stamp]] SMITHSONIAN. [[/stamp]] 1379
A: Pewter wall plate, or "nail-head covering." A thin sheet of pewter, presenting the head of a Foo-lion, repousse, flanked by a flat, polyfoliate border, each loke of which is delicately ornamented in conventional floral motive. The details of the lion's head are also finely tooled, and his jaws are emphasized by three narrow slits. Bull leaden-hued patina and light gray earthy incrustations. Diameter, 2 1/8".

B: Bronze utility-ornament; a flat ox-hand in sharp outline, with features modeled in low relief and incised, the whole a head or front-plate to a staple or U-shaped loop which projects behind it for securing a bolt or pin. Green and mahogany-brown patina, and grayish earthen deposits. 
Height, 1 3/16"; depth, 7/8 of 1".

C: Gilt bronze seal. A solid casting, all surfaces gilded, presenting a circular mound posed upon a square plinth, the mound being ornamented with the figure of a crouching bead, hand huddled down in shoulders, and paw on knees. Russet-brown and dense gray-green partina and slight earthy incrustation showing characters partially obliterated.
Diameter of plinth, 1".

The three in a box covered with silk brocade.

Purchased from Yamanaka & Co., New York,
Voucher #11 May, 1918, 100.00

Transcription Notes:
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