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[[obscured]] ARLES L. Freer,

To The W. H. Allison Company.  Dr.
Address 712 Dime Bank Building, Detroit/ Mich.

Detroit, August 11th 1919 19

GADCO 33305

[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| For this amount, in payment of Custom House entry of one case containing Whistler's Cremorne No. 3, from Turner, Paris France, Custom House entry and brokerage, 3.20  War Tax, 1.00 | 4. | 20 |

Correct, K. N. Rhoades.   
Received of Charles L. Freer four and 20/100 Dollars, in full of the above account.
[[stamp]] Aug 13 1919 [[/stamp]] 19   
The W. H. Allison Co.