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From the word assigned, to the character #, write instead what is written on the other page 
O Brown Col. [[?]] 

assigned. [[strikethrough]] In September the entire issues to Freedmen were made by officers of the Bureau. The whole number of rations issued during this month to Sixteen thousand two hundred and ninety eight (16.298) persons was two hundred and sixty six thousand (266.000), seventy five eight hundred & eighty seven (275.887) or eight thousand eight one hundred and sixty (8.866) ninety six (9196) per day. During the month of October there were issued two hundred and thirty thousand (230.000) rations to eleven thousand six hundred and seventy two (11.672) persons, or seven thousand  six four hundred and thirteen (7.613) nineteen (7419) rations per day. [[/strikethrough]]

# ~ The number of persons receiving rations being reduced from the previous month thirty per cent. - 
The requirements of the Freedmen for medicines and medical attendance have been met as far as the limited resources of the Bureau would allow. - Eight hospitals have been organized, and fifteen medical officers employed, and in addition much valuable voluntary assistance has been rendered, in treating the sick, by medical 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-16 10:08:08 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-16 10:37:28 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-16 17:04:11