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officers of the army, and by citizen physicians.  The total number of Refugees and Freedmen treated, has been about four thousand three hundred (4,300).  The number at present under treatment is about seven hundred (700)

In addition to the land held by the Department of Negro Affairs, there have been turned over to the Bureau, Eleven thousand one hundred and five (11,105) acres, making a total of Ninety six thousand seven hundred and fifty two (96,752) acres that have been under its control.  Of this land Forty thousand seven hundred and fifty one (40,751) acres have been restored, leaving on hand, Fifty six thousand and one (56,001) acres.

The rights of the Freedmen in the crops and improvements on the land restored, have been secured.  The result of the cultivation of these lands by the Freedmen, is not yet known, as the crops have not been fully harvested; but it is believed to be satisfactory.

The special courts organized for the Freedmen are successfully accomplishing the 

Transcription Notes:
duplicate of previous film.