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of Hampton, kicking and threatening to shoot her. At the same time abusing her with vilest epithets

In Charles City Co in the month of November, a white man named Douthat, met a colored man on the public road, and furiously assaulted him with his fists, because he did not take off his hat and salute him, The colored man resisted, when Douthat drew a loaded revolver and attempted to shoot the colored man, the man, however, overcame him, and wrested the weapon from his grasp.  

In Warwick Co. in the same month. a man named Fitchell, made a brutal assault on a colored woman, knocking her down with a brick and otherwise bruising and maltreating her

A case of outrage committed in King William Co - a man named Winn (a half-breed Indian) shot and killed a colored man - is now awaiting trial before a military commission at Camp Hamilton.

A Capt. Doyle, an Oysterman employed a number of boys to work for him, One of them named Williams was most cruelly beaten, because he would not work on Sunday, and cut a sufficient quantity of wood to last through the week, and was discharged without pay. Shortly, after, Doyle went away without paying the others what was their due.

Last week an unknown colored man was shot dead by some person on the promises of one

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